Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009

friendship bread

Julia had given me a starter for Amish Friendship Bread the last week of school. I had only made it one other time, but really liked it. Since Hannah would not take a nap, after being in her bed for almost 2 hours, I let her get up and help me. She had her apron out playing in her room earlier so she decided to wear it, "so we would not get her pretty dress dirty." She was a great helper!

I love this face

they hatched

This morning while we were getting ready for church I noticed the turkey in the yard. When I looked again I noticed there were birds under her feet. I watched for a minute and realized the birds under her feet where her babies. I called Hannah to see them and she said, "Oh mama the baby turkeys hatched out of their eggs." We counted and she has five babies. Hannah said, "Look the mama turkey is teaching them how to eat the corn."

Saturday, May 30, 2009

family night at the "new park"

We had a great time having a picnic, playing, and walking at the "new park." Hannah asked what the name of the park was. We told her we do not know because there is no sign, so we called it the new park since we had never been there until tonight. It is nice, but not a lot of shade so we would not go there during the day. It is a great park for evening picnics and play time. I am sure we will visit it again soon.

a nap outside?

Hunter loved it and would have slept there all day.
Hannah "rested" for about an hour and a half, but never went to sleep.

ready for summer

We spent some time outside this afternoon getting the porch ready for summer. I love sitting on the porch watching Hannah play, holding Hunter, and talking to Derrick. There is almost always a breeze. Hannah is so excited that we have it ready and that we get to start eating outside all the time again.

Friday, May 29, 2009

bath time

Hunter loves, loves, loves, to take a bath. I think he would stay in this bath tub all day long.

Hannah's last day of school

Hannah has come a long way since the end of July. She LOVES school. I am glad she adjusted well and had such a great year. I know she will miss her teachers and friends this summer. She will go back in the same class when she returns in August. (I wanted to take her picture sitting on the bench like I did the first day of school, but someone stole the bench.)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

what to do?

He loves sucking his thumb. I think he looks so cute when he does it, but I really do not want it to become a habit. I love that he pushed the paci down and put his thumb in.

what is Dad doing?

Putting together Hunter's Moose head to hang on his wall. Too funny!!

8 weeks already!!!!

Hunter was not sure about sitting up at first, but decided it was not too bad. He sure has gotten big in eight short weeks. Time is flying, I need it to slow down just a little.

on the move

He started out on the blanket.

Monday, May 25, 2009

she sure is quiet

Hannah had come in from playing and asked to watch TV while I fixed her dinner. I noticed she was very quiet. She would not take a nap when we put her down earlier. She slept from 6-7:30 and was back in bed by 9.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

he is growing so fast

Radnor Lake

We went to walk around Radnor Lake after lunch today. It had been raining on and off, but we thought we would give it a try. It was nice at first, but then the rain started coming down. We did not get wet at first because it was a light rain and the trees were keeping up draw. That did not last for long. It started pouring!!!! Derrick ran back to the car with Hunter, who we thought was dry in the stroller, but I guess the stroller is not waterproof. He was not soaked, but was a little wet. He did not cry/complain. Hannah, Mike, Nene, and I just walked and tried to enjoy the rain. Hannah was not very sure about it. She did not like her clothes being wet. She held her shirt off her chest the whole time. We did have dry clothes in the car for her, thankgoodness. Derrick almost had Hunter changed when we got to the car and then we got Hannah changed. I think the walking and rain make her tired. We will have to go back when there is no rain and take her tricycle.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ty's and Todd's birthday party

Today we went to Ty's and Todd's birthday party. It was such a pretty day. Hannah was so excited to go to the park. Hunter liked it too, he slept, ate, and slept some more. Hannah was testing Todd's car to make sure it was working good before they gave it to him. We all had a great time. Happy Birthday boys!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

now Hannah can help...

cut the grass!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hunter is 7 weeks old

He is growing too fast. He loves his sissy and laying in the sun on his changing table.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

cooking muffins

Hannah had so much fun helping make muffins. She is a good cook!

he did it again

He is getting pretty good at finding his thumb. He will rub his nose when he has thumb in his mouth good. I know it looks like he is picking his nose, but he really is not.

checking on Hunter

napping in his big bed

Hunter's first nap in his big boy. He took a good nap. I hope to start having him nap in his bed during the day and just sleeping in our room at night.

random things Hannah says about school

Sunday on the way to church she was telling me a story. I said something to Derrick and she said, "Excuse me, Mom, I am telling you a story." I told her I was sorry and that I was listening to her. She said, "Good, if you are not a good listener during circle time, you will get your name in the sad face box." I told her I did not want my name in the sad face box. I asked her what happened if you got your name in the sad face box. She said that you have to sit out when it is time to go outside and play. I asked her if she ever got her name in the sad face box. She said no and named all the kids in her class who do. She did not name Ty so I asked if he ever got his name in the sad face box. She said, "No, me and Ty are good and do not get our names in the sad face box." I find it hard to believe that she has never had her name in the sad face box. I will have to ask about it when I see one of her teachers. (They have both been gone when I get there to pick her up in the afternoons.)

Yesterday on the way home from school I asked her what she learned. She said, "Mrs. Priscilla told us the best story today. It was The Three Bears." I asked her to tell me the story. She said, "Goldilocks went to the bears house when they were not home. She ate their curds, sat in their chairs, and slept in their beds. When the bears came home they watched her run away into the bushes." I asked her what Goldilocks said about daddy bears chair. She told me there was not a daddy bear. I asked her who the big bear was. She said, "He is the father bear." I told her daddy is another name for father just like mom is another name for mother. I was very impressed, that for the most part, she could retell the whole story.

On her daily paper Monday it said to bring your favorite zoo animal for show and tell on Wednesday. I asked her what her favorite zoo animal was. She thought for a minute and then said a Kola bear. I knew she had one with her zoo animal ABC set, so I told her to find it. She found the bag of animals and dug it out. She brought it to me and said, "Here is my Kola and it starts with a K." I can't wait to go get her and see what she told the class about it. I asked her what she was going to tell her friends about the Kola bear and she would not tell me anything.

She loves to be the teacher! Where does she get that from? She collects a stack of books and then comes to where you are. She asks you to sit down. She puts a book in her lap and says, "What are we learning about?" I always say, "I don't know." She then holds her hand up to then mouth and whispers, "Say rainbows." I say, "Rainbows." She says, "Good job, that is right." She then reads the book. She is getting really good at looking at the pictures and making up her own story, if it is a book we have not read 800 times that she has memorized. After the story she says it is time to sing the rainbow song. The words are never the same so I have not learned the rainbow song yet.

I love that she can tell me everything she does at school. I like to listen to her playing school wither her babies or stuffed animals and hear all that is said at school. She is good at using different tones of voice and of course talking with her hands.

my big girl

I am so proud of Hannah. Derrick had to be a work early yesterday and today, so I have been getting Hannah ready for school. She can do most of the getting ready by herself. This morning I fixed her breakfast and put her at the table to eat. I went to take a shower while she was eating and told her when she was finished to get down and go get dressed. She did just that. She came in the bathroom to tell me she got one of Hunter's baby wipes to wipe her hands and mouth, then she went to get dressed. She asked me to help her put her shirt on and to tie her shoes. Not only did she get dressed, but she put her plate in the sink and her cup back in the refrigerator. She told me what she wanted for lunch as I packed it. Then out the door we went. She carries her lunch box and holds the door so I can get Hunter. She climbs in the car and in her seat all by herself. She also puts her arms through the belts in her seat and buckles the top. She says the bottom is too hard and she needs Derrick or I to do it. I am glad we can still do a few things for her. I am glad she is so independent, but it makes me a little sad that she does not need my help as much.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a first for both kids

Hannah: slept in panties and stayed dry all night!!!!! (I did not take a picture of her in the panties sleeping.)

Hunter: went to sleep and slept without being swaddled.

What big kids we have.