Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

do they look alike?

I think Hannah and Hunter have some very similar features, yet they are very different too. I just like to compare pictures of them at the same age. I never thought anything about Hannah was chubby, but looking back at this picture she had some chubby cheeks. I think Hunter has a thin face but chubby arms and legs. They are both cute kids, even if they are mine.

I am glad I am married to a photographer

Hannah blowing the Easter egg with the hairdryer. She thought that was the greatest thing.
Hunter making faces at Derrick across the table. Love the milk on his face.

Derrick captures the best pictures of our precious children.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hunter's first haircut

We took Hunter to get his hair cut this afternoon. Ms. Karen cut Hannah's hair for the first time and we were glad she could cut Hunter's. She does not work at Snip It's anymore, but she comes to Kylie's house to cut Kylie and Hannah's hair when Sarah calls her for us. Hunter did way better than I thought he would. We sat him in a seat like he eats in. As soon as we sat him in it he started signing more. The boy loves to eat!!! He looks like such a big boy with all his baby hair cut off.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

one year pictures

I can't believe that it is already time to have Hunter's one year pictures made. This year has flown by. It was a rough year for our family, but Hunter has definitely been a bright spot in each day. These are just some of the pictures that we made, there are too many to put on the blog.

Friday, March 26, 2010

what did you learn today?

Hannah and I talk about her day each day on the way home. Sometimes she has A LOT to tell me and other times she tells me one thing and that she will wait and tell me when I put her to bed. She loves for Derrick to lay in the bed with her so she can tell him all about her day. This week they learned about the letter Y, the color green, and the shape trapezoid. She choose to take her yo-yo for show and tell today. I asked her what she learned about the color green. She said, "I learned how to spell it, G-R-E-E-N and that plants, caterpillars, grasshoppers, grass, and turtles are all green." Guess she listens well in class. Earlier this week she told me that Mrs. Beth told a bible story about a son who was feeding the pigs and was about the eat the pigs food. She added, you know pigs eat like corn on the cob. She then went back to the story and said he did not want to eat he pig food so he just went back home to his dad. I asked her today what they learned about in chapel and she said, "The Miracle Son." I asked who that was. She started telling me the story and since she knew it so well I decided to video her telling it. I hope you enjoy my little interview with her. We need to work on the sound Y makes and drawing a trapezoid.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

all better

Hunter has not run fever all day. His temp has been 98 each time I checked it today. He took two good naps and ate good all day. I had fun playing with him today. He sure is one busy boy when he feels good. Thanks for the prayers for him, they worked.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

kindergarten registration

Today I worked Kindergarten Registration with Julie. The day started out slow and we thought we were not going to register anyone. By the end of the day we registered 10 kids and talked to 2 other parents who will hopefully come tomorrow to register. Julie and I had the best time. Julie joined our team this year and I love her. She is a great fit to our team. I am blessed to work with such great ladies. I love them all. Check out Julie's blog to see a pic of us working hard. : )

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

poor buddy

Hunter woke up at 4am Monday morning screaming. I got him up and changed him. I thought he felt warm, but when I held him for a minute he calmed down. We put him back to be around 5. He was still sleeping when I left a 7. I told Derrick to check his temp before he took him to school. It was 100.5 when he first checked it. So Derrick kept him home. When I got home and checked it it was 102.3. He ate and drank good all day for Derrick and took his night time bottle good for me. We gave him some more medicine before we put him to bed and he slept all night. I heard him crying about 6:30 this morning. When I picked him up he was burning up. His temp was 102.5. I called and made an appointment for Derrick to take him. The doctor said that his ears and chest were great but that his throat was a little red. We were afraid that he might get strep since Hannah had it, but she assured us that children under 2 do not get strep. She did a strep test and it was negative. She said it is just viral and that he could break out in a rash when his fever brook. I hate rashes!!! She said if he was still running fever on Friday to bring him back in. I am hoping and praying that he wakes up in the morning with NO FEVER. Derrick will stay with him again tomorrow and if he still have fever tomorrow I will stay home on Thursday. I just hate for him to feel bad. Please pray that his fever will break soon and that he will not have a rash when it does.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

the invitation

I finally got Derrick to take Hunter's birthday invitation picture. I know we can't do everything the same with both of them, but I am going to try. Things like invitations I can do for both of them. Derrick takes great pictures of the kids, it is just making him do it. We did not mail out as many for him as we did for Hannah. Since we were not able to mail everyone we wanted to and invitation, I wanted to share it on here. Enjoy our cute, sweet buddy. Thanks Uncle Bert for designing his invitation.


Derrick and I are very thankful we have such great dad's. They came up this weekend to help him in the basement. Derrick ended up having to work and be out of town, which we are thankful he has work. That did not stop our dads. They built all the casing for the doors, hung the doors, put the stops in, made the holes for the locks, and did a little electrical work as well. Kyle and Robert put all the outlets and switches in. Thanks guys for doing all of the work without Derrick. That helped him be further along so he can be closer to getting the basement finished. Thanks guys you are the best!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

more zoo pics

zoo with two grandpas

We had a nice trip to the zoo this morning. We took Papa and Grandpa Mike with us. Hannah had fun showing them around the zoo and tell them about the animals. Hunter was not so excited to ride the stroller at first so his Papa carried him. He did finally ride for a little while. After the zoo we went to lunch at Wendy's. Hannah asked the grandpas what their favorite part of the zoo was. When they answered she told them they had to pick something else. She is a mess. Thanks Papa and Grandpa Mike for going to the zoo with us and for lunch.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bible study dinner

I do a bible study every Thursday night with some girls from church. When we finish a study we usually go out to eat and then start a new study the next week. The study we are finishing had recipes in it. Since we did not cook each week of the study we decided to cook this week instead of going out to eat. We all went to Becky's house and cooked a delicious dinner. There are more pictures on her blog. Thanks Papa and Grandpa Mike for keeping the kids so I could go.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hannah was excited to wear her "mushroom" leggings and headband. I am not sure why she calls them mushrooms but she does it every time. Hunter did not have a special St. Patrick's Day outfit. I figured the John Deere shirt would work since it was green. Hannah took suckers to school for her friends that Nana made. Thanks Nana!!! Derrick and I had a lunch date today since both of the kids were at school. We had a nice lunch. I enjoy getting to spend time with just him. We should go on dates more often. I hope all of you had a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break

I am so glad to be on Spring Break this week. I wish that it had not started with Hannah being sick, but at least I can stay home with her today. She feels much better today, but she is still not 100% yet. I am hoping by tomorrow she will be back to her old self. I am not sure why I did not take any pictures of her today, but I took plenty of a busy little boy. I love to watch him play. He is getting a lot of personality and makes me laugh a lot. Hannah is doing well sharing with him now that he is mobile and can get into her things. It is rare that she has a meltdown because he is in her room in her things.

We do not have any big plans this week. Hannah will go to school and I will take Hunter a couple of days so I can get some things done here and at school. I hope the weather will get better before my break is over so we can enjoy some time outside.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

I spoke too soon

When I took Hannah to the doctor for her 4 year old check up I was telling the doctor I could not believe we had made it almost all winter without her being sick. She has had a runny nose a few times but has not been sick like she was her first three winters. This morning I heard her crying. Then I heard her get out of bed and come into our room. I asked her what was wrong and she said her head hurt. I asked her to touch where it hurt and she touched her neck. I asked if her throat hurt and she said yes. She felt warm so I checked her temp and looked at her throat. Her temp was 100.1 and her throat looked awful. I had Derrick look at it too. I called the doctor and she said to take her to a walk in clinic to be checked for strep. Hannah as a little uncertain about going to a "new" doctor. I told her that Dr. Bondurant said it was okay. She did great for the "new" doctor. Sure enough she has strep. The "new" doctor said it would be a good idea to take brother to the doctor in the morning since he has a runny nose and cough. I hate that Hannah is sick and that she went to a birthday party yesterday. I emailed all the mom's and told them. Please prayer that none of the kids who where there get sick, especially Ian, that Hannah will feel better soon, and that Hunter does not get sick. I am glad it is spring break so I can be home with her and not have to use sick days, which are going fast.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby Emilee

Today I went to a baby shower for Lisa and baby Emilee. I can't wait to meet her. Lisa and Jeff are going to be great parents. Thanks Kim for hosting the shower. You did an amazing job with everything.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

one last birthday present

Derrick and I ordered Hannah this present and it was back ordered. We were a little sad that we could not give it to her at her party. The look on her face was worth the wait. She saw this castle when we were at the Disney store in December at Disney. We were told that you could order them on line and they always had them. It is really neat and does lots of neat things. She is excited to have a castle and her doll house. She loves to play pretend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

so beautiful

Hannah was so happy to wear her new princess gown. She wanted me to take her picture in the gown and then her picture spinning in it. Thanks MeMe for the beautiful gown.

Monday, March 8, 2010

brother's turn

It was such a pretty day today that we were able to ride in the jeep when we got home from school. Hannah finally decided that it is okay for Hunter to ride with her. I did this short video of them. He loves it!!! At one point he had his foot propped on the door just enjoying the ride. I am sure they will have lots of fun in it this summer.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

one more birthday lunch

After church today we went to eat with the Sumner's. We had a good time visiting with them and Aunt Debbie told the waiter that it was Hannah's birthday. She was not too sure about them singing. She tasted the dessert but did not eat it. Thanks for going to lunch with us!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Red Robin for dinner

We went to Red Robin to eat dinner after naps. Hannah did not eat much of her dinner, but I think she ate half of Marla's. Thanks Marla for sharing your dinner. MeMe told the waitress that it was Hannah's birthday, so they sang to her. She loved it and ate every bit of the ice cream. I think she gave Marla one bite.