Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, June 5, 2010

one happy girl

Tonight we had breakfast for dinner. Hannah has been telling me that she wants pancakes with cool whip and sprinkles. So that is what she had. Can you by the look on her face how happy/excited she is? I found some pancake molds at school when I was moving rooms. I am excited we have more to add to our fun molds from Mrs. Sharon. Hannah is so girly, she had a heart shaped pancake on a heart shaped plate and a hear shaped bowl for her fruit. I was happy that Dad made the pancakes for us. I am not a good pancake maker.


MeMe said...

MeMe loves the beautiful braided hair, and seeing her so happy does my heart great! :-)

Jacqulin said...

That looks SO good... can I come to your house? I also LOVE Hannah's hair... it is so pretty!