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Monday, January 24, 2011

LONG day, but good

This is where Hunter was when I turned around from the stove. He wanted to do a little shopping on Etsy while I cooked dinner. Speaking of Etsy, I got his birthday shirt in the mail. It is so cute. I really wanted to take his picture in it tonight, but I am going to wait until his birthday to take his picture in it.

Derrick took Hunter back to the doctor today to have this lovely looking rash looked at. I hate rashes. The doctor does not know what it is. She said to put the cream she gave us a prescription for on it. If the cream helps it is an infection, if it does not it is viral, NICE. It does not both him. If he sees it he wants to put medicine on it and will say boo, boo. I pray it goes away quickly.
Hannah and Hunter put all the vegetable heads together again. Hannah wanted me to take both of their pictures with them. Hunter tried to lay on his side, but was not very good at it. Hannah just wanted to be silly. They were good entertainment while I was cooking.

I was happy to end my long day spending time with them. I colored with Hannah and played hippos (Hungry, Hungry Hippos) with Hunter.

Hunter's new thing at bed time is for me to rock him. We say prayers and sing three songs. Tonight while I was praying with him he started naming people. I asked him if he wanted to pray for them and he said yes and kept naming them. He was so sweet. I think he covered all the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even Joel. He is a sweet buddy.

1 comment:

MeMe said...

Thank you Hunter for the sweet prayers. You are such a precious grandson. Heather, I do so appreciate you taking the time to share these special things about all of you on the blog. It gives us the innate ability to become a daily part of your lives. You are the best!