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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

a new doctor

I told Hannah during lunch that we were going to see a new doctor. She was fine with it and even when he walked in the room she said, "Mommy, new doctor." He is an Asthma and Allergy specialist. Her pediatrician had said once she turned two we would probably need to see someone about allergies. Derrick was not the least bit excited that we were taking her to the doctor. I figured if he can help her feel better, sooner, then we should go. He is a very nice man. He went ahead and did some test today. She was not happy to be held down and pricked so many times. I felt terrible but it was the only way to see what she is allergic to. None of the pricks on her back tested positive so then they had to use a needle and test on her arm so they could see what would happen when the allergen was placed under the skin. They tested negative as well. Once we were out of the room and back to playing she was fine, until a nurse or the doctor came in. He said that her allergies are not as bad as her health history. He wants to try her on singulair and see her again in two months. She is only slightly allergic to a few things, which made me happy. Derrick on the other hand thinks I had her needlessly tortured for no reason. We will hope the medicine helps and she will feel much better. We went at 1:45 and she fell asleep on the way there, but as soon as we got out of the car she woke up. We left there at 4:10 and she feel asleep on the way home. (She slept until 6:15.) In Derrick's defense the verdict is not in on whether or not she has allergies at all. 

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I know it was not fun. But it's just as important to know what it isn't. Jacqulin just about started crying over the pictures. You have to follow your instincts as a mother. Tell Derrick that's why God gave her two parents. I'm glad this part is over. Bless your heart I bet the Easter bunny is going to be very good to Hannah.